Monday, June 21, 2004


When a fellers bin a'straddle
Since he’s old e’nuff to ride,
And he larns to throw his saddle,
On most any colored hide,
Tho’ it’s nuthin’ to take pride in,
Most fellers I have know'd,
If they ever done much ridin’
Has at differ’nt times bin t’rowed.

So I guess it’s bound to rankle,
When yer t’rowed and break yer ankle,
Still yer can’t keep on a’moanin,
And jest a’gripin’ and a’groanin’
Don't jest stay there where you're sittin',
Michael, don't you be a'quittin’
Next time yer got to do 'er right,
And jest...cinch up yer saddle tight!

Heironymous S. Anon-Y-Mous c.2004
(1st verse an "Anonymous" poem I copied into my notebook
almost 50 years ago.)


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