I'm proud to be an American. We've been doing good around the World for many years. I'm proud of what we've done. I've been following the news for almost 80 years now, and America has been most generous with its wealth, with its wartime assistance, with its industrial knowledge and in every way possible to both its' friends as well as its' former enemies. Not one country in the world can say that, not a single one.
Many Frenchmen simply don't get it, so to hell with 'em. They probably come from that province of Le Effete.I was over there about sixty years ago, and so were millions of other Americans; they liked us then. Why? They knew that they needed us. (Some areas of Le Havre had been bombed by the American Air Force prior to the invasion as they destroyed German installations, so some French people died in those raids. Those areas hated us and attacked American GIs if they wandered into the wrong part of town.)
But there are still millions of appreciative French citizens, those who understand our mission in the mid-east and our way of doing things, and they do approve of the United States. Those are the French citizens we love.
A lot of the English don't seem to like us, but a very large percentage of them do. They know that we were always there for them in the past and that the Colonies have come to their rescue more than once. To those that belong to the Panty-waist Party in England, the Hell with 'em too.
This coming Monday, Memorial Day, we'll be remembering all the American GIs who lie buried on Englsh soil and on French soil, who were on their way to Germany to help save England and free France from German tyranny. Many of them remember us for the good we have done. To the rest, a strong rasberry. I know Americans. I know what we're like. We've helped many countries remain free from tyranny and others gain their freedom from the tyrannical scourge of Communism. We're a good people, a kind and loving people. For those Americans who do not know who we are, like many of those dumb twirps in Hollywood, they can all go straight to Hell.
Many of the French and English hate us because we've been right so often, while they've been wrong. They hate to remember how dumb they've been. The problem is they prefer to remain dumb and keep working hard at it to stay dumb.
I'm proud to be an American and proud of the good we have done around the world. I hope that you're proud as well.
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