Monday, May 10, 2004

Saddam killed 300,000 men, women and children. The Arab World accepted that. He tortured thousands. The Arab work accepted that too. He started a few wars, and a million men died. The Arab world also accepted that. They obviously understand politics. At least politics in the Arab World.

But they also understand how to get to the Americans, especially our lily-livered wet-nurses, and our Liberals. Cry foul, foul, foul! Hey, it's easy. Hanoi Jane Fonda taught them how to do that. Our Pinko and Red professors led them through their paces. It's easy to defeat the Americans, sream and cry and beat your chest at how vindictive and savage they are. America's Liberals will take up the cry and help you out. America's commies will join in the hue and cry and do all your work for you; just sit back and watch.

We're miserable, right? We dropped the Atom Bomb on Japan. We were wrong. Bull-crap. We were justified and we were right to do it. They were working on their own version and they'd have dropped it on us. The boys who fought up those Pacific island beaches and saw their buddies mowed down agreed it was right. Those of us who were scheduled to head for the Pacific and participate in the invasion were damn glad the Bomb did the job and saved a half a million Allied lives, friends of ours, even us.

No! Now wait a minute and let's think. Supposing we had nabbed one of the 9/11 conspirators and knew that he was involved in something horrific, that it was only an hour or two from happening, and that even our President and Congress was at risk. Well, let me tell you, I'd take that s.o.b. into a windowless room, shoot out the camera, and have a nice talk with him. What if your family was at risk, like the families in Iraq, dozens killed and hundreds wounded, a daily threat?
If I catch two terrorists, I want to know where the others before they blow themselves and a dozen American soldiers up. Next day more. And then more. When you're dealing with thieves, you aren't going to win if you don't play by the same set of rules. You may not wish to admit it, but that's the way politics are played in the Middle-east, and war too! I want my guys to come home, not allow some terrorist to live so that he can be the next Saddam Hussein.

If you don't recognize that, bubba, then the Arabs with their Taliban buddies will be walking down Fifth Avenue whipping any female who shows a little bit of bare flesh. Well, at least the Welfare rolls will be pared and the out-of-wedlock births go down drastically, eh?


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