It has been two weeks since my last Blog, not a way to keep your readers happy, if you have any (left). Well, I rather hope that my readers are more to the right than the left. But then, I welcome them all. There are many people who enter the Blogosphere who seem more intent on taunting the Bloggers than to learn and to comment. Foul, ugly-minded, and even beastly, but then, we can always delete them I guess.
I'm more surprised by the continued use of the word hate, especially be Liberals who avow that those who disagree with them spew hatred, when the fact is that I find more venom in Liberal slanted writings than ever in the more conservative viewpoints. The first time I can remember the term hatred being bandied about was in reference to the assassination of Pres. John F. Kennedy. All of a sudden, Houston was full of hate! Damn. A nut, completely out of Left Field, shoots the President, and suddenly the Republicans or Conservatives are full of hate, and Texas is full of hate, and in particular, Houston. The assassin turns out to be more Leftist, had visited Cuba recently, and did not have one thing to do with the Republicans or the Conservatives or the Religious Right, but it was just about laid at their doorstep.
Then, Sen. Robert Kennedy is shot down and again come the charge of hate and it turns out to be a young man of the Muslim faith, another nut out of Left Field, but the word continues to crop up and somehow it seems that the country was infused with hate and so...another Kennedy dies as a result.
Jumpin' Jimminy, Sandy, don't you get it? We're responsible because we sow hatred in the land of milk and honey.
Robert Sheer, for example, seems to have more venom and hatred in his columns than any of the Conservative writers, by far more. Then, the Harpy, that shrill old hen and Greek Socialist who long pretended to be a Republican, Arianna Huffington-Puffington, (call her Huff'n Puff for short), spews her hatred in every paragraph. Yes, it seems to come more often and in stronger terms from the Liberal viewpoint, the hate, hate, hate.
The anti-war riots, Liberals, Leftists, CERTAINLY SHOW THEIR HATEhate through word and deed. The pro-Castro crowd, hate. The anti-Bushwhackers, hate. The anti-Rumsfeld group, hate. The PC movement, shows their hatred towards those they perceive to violate the rules they set forth. more hate. Well, I wish I could sum it up tonight, but he hour is getting late. Goodnight all.
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