Friday, January 07, 2005

Did you see how quickly we were criticized by a UN official in the aftermath of the tsunami, when Pres. Bush stated an amount that we would donate to help in the recovery efforts in the far east? Was the President wrong in giving out that figure, so little in the face of so much destruction? I say "No", because until we have the full facts in hand, we'd be going off half-cocked to come up with other amounts. Even now, knowing what we are facing there, we still should not be too generous, but give where we see the need and carefully, so that it does not make some far-eastern potentate rich beyond comporehension while the poor see little of it.

Mark my words, "The thugs and thieves are already figuring out just how they are going to steal millions and millions! They'll succeed." Most of those people are quite resiliant and they'll do their own recovering without our aid, while the wholesale stealing of funds goes on and on and on.

I'd lay odds that at least 25% will be siphoned off and never reach the people it is intended to help. United Nations employees will be at the very top of the list, making sure they get their fair share!


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