Your freedoms I mean. There's a new system slowly evolving, and the landscape of politics is in the process of an evolution that will be vastly different in the next few years. It is a month since the elections and Senator Kerry has conceded, but that does not mean a damn thing--obviously. They're going to do a recount in Ohio, and then slowly, ever so steadily, but slowly, pick away at it until they find loopholes to challenge the whole process. Watch, it will still be going on after Pres. Bush is sworn in for the second time. It'll be going on until the who election process is overturned and the Liberals gain an edge which they will never give up.
They have used dirty politics in New Jersey and Illinois for so many years that they can't stand the thought of losing. They're picking away at us through Communist professors and teachers embedded in the Universities and schools. They're challenging every aspect of religion, every mention of it in any public place, little by little chipping it away. And, we don't fight back! We even have ministers who have fallen for this garbage, ministers without balls, ministers without common sense, giving in. Next these jokers will take Christ and God out of their prayers!
Folks, I just turned 80, but I haven't lost my BALLS. Stand firm and fight back. Take back your schools. Get rid of PC (Political Crap). They're making mental NINNIES out of our children. George Washington, Patrick Henry, Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin all referred to God all the time, and By God, if it was good enough for them, it is good enough for me!
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