Saturday, December 13, 2003


Yes, I burn when I think of Cuba and Castro, burn intensely inside when I think that that motor-mouth murderous Fidel is still in place after 44 years! It's wrong. It's absolutely immoral that he is still tyrannizing Cubans through 9 changes of our administration in Washington.

There are many fine Cubans who spend endless hours disseminating information and fighting a lonely fight, trying to get the world's attention, trying to defeat him from lonely rooms. All the while, our colleges are hot-beds of intrigue that teach the lie that Fidel Castro is some sort of a genius, when he is nothing but a cockroach (la Cucaracha).

America's media report stories out of Cuba as if they had some historical context and build his up, especially when Hollywood's elite goes calling. If they laid out the facts and figures, and did a true investigation, the Great Cockroach would be exposed for what he is, a very stupid man who is unable to properly manage the economy of a small island just offshore of the U.S. , has kept Cubans in virtual poverty for 44 years with promises of a Paradise at the end of the Rainbow, and killed, tortured or imprisoned those who have disagreed with him.

These very hard-working patriotic Cubans who spend endless hours toiling away in an effort to raise awareness and depose Fidel, such as Mario, Ray and Agustin, deserve much better from other Cubans and Cuban-Americans. They deserve much better from the American press. How can a country's leader order the executions of almost 18 thousand Cuban citizens (Black Book of Communism) and not be condemned by America's greatest newspapers? How can a tyrant put 76 simple, ordinary Cuban men and women in jail for terms from 6 years to 26 years (?) and not raise the hackles of Americans from the Atlantic to the Pacific? All they asked for was certain freedoms, those actually written into the U.N. charter. Yet, they're treated worse than criminals. They're Cubans who love their country and their fellow citizens, Cubans who have not committed a crime, but they're serving long terms in solitary. I cry for them!

Why isn't there one rich Cuban in Florida (or elsewhere) spending thousands to keep an ad running in either a New York or Washington newspaper demanding the release of these prisoners, suffering in cells like La Tapiedas, and keeping our Congressional members aware of it? This I fail to understand. I don't think that those Cuban millionaires sunning themselves along Florida's coastline deserve to be in America if they have so easily forgotten their roots! I don't think they deserve what they have when they don't use part of it to fight back.

Yes, they're afraid to be called the Cuban Mafia, or some such names. Well, I'd be proud to belong to that group if it deposed Fidel Castro.

They think that if they wait long enough, he'll die and things will be fine. Oh yeah, he'll die, that son-of-a-bitch will eventually die, perhaps at 90, but how many will he kill before he dies? That's the question. And, by then you might have another tyrant step into his shoes and you'll wait another 40 or 50 years, like pansies growing in the sun.

Well, why not make some plans now, such as a 10,000 boat parade to Cuba when the s.o.b. dies? At least, if you're going to wait that long, plan on making a move the very moment he expels his final breath! Announce this now and Cubans will be praying for his death at the seashore by the tens of thousands!

Of course, half of Cuba might be dead before he dies, or half of Miami's millionaires. Quien sabe?


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