Homophobic! Homophobic? Try and find this word in the dictionary, that is, if you can. Yet, this non-word, this non-entity, this homo-preposterous terminology is often used to cow or degrade anyone who has the temerity or the courage to defy those who make exagerrated claims to speak for the majority of our homosexual population. The truth is that a small vociferous group always seems to gain this position by the whim and pleasure of the media, who all too often make such appointments as if they had Papal authority to do so. Thereafter, we hear but one side of the question, those who are the most critical, the most outspoken on any topic, yet who may not reflect the majority opinion at all.
It's like the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the gadfly ex-preacher who is given his authority by the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times and the Washington Post, but who otherwise possesses no franchise by the majority of black citizens whom he professesses to represent. Does he ever consult anyone else to find out what they think? Hell, no. Does he ever take a poll? How in the hell does he know what millions of black citizens think?
There is a figure given out by the Boy Scouts of America that states that more than 110 million scouts have gone through the ranks since the movement was introduced to the United States in 1911.
At least 3.5 million, if estimates are correct, were Gay. Read it again, at least 3.5 million of those boys were Gay! In other words, 3.5 million boys who were homosexual in nature benefitted from their association with scouting, were not discriminated against, were not kicked out of scouting. Now in bold letters:
We don't need to listen to this anti-scout crap from any one, from any source, from any organization. It is inane. It is a lie, a deliberate and unmitigated lie by those who are out to destroy the Boy Scouts of America as well as many other fine American institutions. Wherever and whenever they try this maneuver, it is up to those who love scouting to meet them head on.
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