Make no mistake about it, there is a credit-card Mafioso, and although they seemingly are legitimate business people, they have the same predatory instincts of the protection and loan-sharking rackets that were so prevalent during the early '30s. If you've read this before on either one of my Blogs or my Website and think I am being repetitious, please understand that I do not think that I can repeat this often enough in order for my readers, especially the younger ones, to take it to heart. You have to regard them as an enemy if you wish to keep out of their clutches and build financial security for yourself. They are your Public Enemy # 1, and if you regard them as such, you have learned Lesson Number One well. Congratulations.
Which corporations do I include in my list of credit card Mafioso? Citibank, for one. Bank of America for another. MBNA, Bank One, Wells Fargo, and a host of others. I'll keep filling in this list as time goes by.
They have a product to sell you: DEBT. They sell you Debt at exhorbitantly high interest rates. Like Evil Spirits, you must exorcise them from your life as much as possible.
A few days ago I asked a question: What is the second largest currency in the world? Don't know the answer? Well, it is Air Miles, the phoniest currency ever, and not a single government entity in the world issues it or backs it. Isn't that just abject stupidity for those of us who accept it, who get involved in it? I think it is. No, I am not calling YOU or anyone else stupid. Intelligent people, though, often do stupid things just like the rest of us. We all allowed Visa and MasterCard and their cohorts to involve us in something utterly stupid, though, an invisible currency that has no real value and can be canceled or changed at any moment by the big banks. What hogwash.
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