Thursday, October 23, 2003


What is the second largest currency in the world?

I'll bet that you cannot answer that one. I'll bet that your accountant cannot answer that either. Call a friend and ask that question?

Oh, that's right, I've already given you the answer up above, haven't I. Yep, it is actually Air Miles, an out-of-control funny-money scheme that succeeded far beyond anyone's imagination, and is now "screwing" half the civilized world.If you stop a moment and think about it, it adds up to hundreds of billions of miles and, some say, getting closer to a trillion Air Miles.

Meanwhile the IRS sits on their hands, or perhaps they're scratching their butts, who knows, while the big banks and their would-be Mafioso bosses siphon off their take of these billions in stock options.

Sure, a lot of people will hate me for saying this, for bringing it up, because they can see tax assessments coming in the mail for under-reported income, and if I am proved correct, big penalties. Then the banks will suffer a drop in income, a huge drop, and that they well deserve.

But it is their greed that got them there, and the innate greed of the average person who takes advantage of the retailers (at the urging of MBNA, Citibank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc.) that put them in this position in the first place.

If you win a Lottery, you pay taxes on the winnings.
If you win on a Game Show, you pay taxes.on the winnings.
If you win in a Casino, you pay taxes on the winnings.
Then, my friend, when you win a trip through the Air Miles scheme by Citibank and their cohorts, you MUST pay taxes on the winnings. Call the IRS and ask. They've been saying no for a long while, but when they stop and take another look at it, they're going to be horrified at the mistake they made, and it is a big, big mistake, believe me.

Most people do not report their Air Miles, and some have taken thousands and thousands of dollars in benefits from them for the past ten years. What a mess, eh? Try to comprehend the enormity of it.


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