Friday, December 12, 2003


It was but 44 years ago...but 44 years ago? No, it was 44 long years ago that Fidel Castro stated that Cubans would soon have free elections. He lied.

He also then told the world that he was not a Communist, while daily they were executing members of the former dictator's (Juan Batista) party in true Marist fashion, through public trials (really Kangaroo Courts), with people chanting, "Paredon, paredon" and then the prisoner would be taken out to face a firing squad. Again, he lied.


That lying, murdering, thieving, feeble-minded old cockroach is still in power after 44 years and, Khadafi-like (Lybia), he's brought Cuba to the verge of total ruin. He has let the cities of Cuba deteriorate, buildings and monuments virtually disintegrate, the homes for its' citizens become almost untenable, stolen businesses from their owners and made them hollow shells of what they once were, ruined the sugar cane and rum industry, allowed the transportation system to totally collapse, the financial strength of the nation topplel into a bottomless abyss, the roads fall into disrepair, enslaved the people, taken away the heart and spirit of a once vital nation so that they live in constant fear of ending up in one of his prisons, and lied, lied, lied, while imprisoning, torturing and executing those who disagreed with him.

Fear is pervasive all over the island, nothing works as it should, and the hopes and aspirations of its' people wither on the branches of a Marxist tree that never bears any fruit.

He can give speeches 8 hours long, longer than the longest-winded filibustering Southern politician of the 1930s, and tell more lies in an hour than they could in a whole day.

What does the United Nations do about it? Not a damn thing. It is the most ineffectual pansied organization in the world today, at a cost of billions of dollars. It is laughable. Why just recently a few Iraqi terrorists scared the Hell out of the U.N. and drove it out of Bagdhad in a single week, so what can you expect from them? It's a gutless group of sniveling talking-head cowards, but loved by liberals because they know that the U.N. delegates will always sit around and talk peace, talk it forever, talk it to death, while the tyrants of the world murder tens of thousands of innocents. They'll do this while guys like Fidel Castro enslave a nation for 44 years and steal its' citizens blind, while depriving Cuban citizens of every form of freedom, even to the extent of stealing their children from them. They ignored the tyranny of Hassad, Hussein, Amin and Khadafi as well, regimes that terrorized the honest and hard-working citizens while promoting the thugs and goons to positions of prominence.

It is time for the statesmen of the world, the Presidents and Prime Ministers of free countries, to present a united demand that elections be held in Cuba now, at once, and that neither Fidel Castro nor his smarmy brother Raul, be allowed to run for office.

The Cubans who have suffered under his tyrannical rule for 44 years deserve to be freed from Marxist enslavement and to be allowed to run their own country in a democratic society, free of that mass-murderer and his cohorts in crimes against them. They deserve nothing less. Doesn't the fact that more than 30,000 have died while trying to cross the Florida Straits to freedom mean anything to the delegates to the United Nations? It is time for that weak-kneed organization called the United Nations to call a tribunal and issue an arrest warrant for Fidel and Raul Castro, and the men who aided them in their thievery from the Cuban people.

One wonders how many hundreds of millions, if not billions, the Castro family has hidden away for the time when they're forced to flee Cuba?

During these 44 years, it should be pointed out, the only improvement in Cuba has been that provided by foreign capitalists in the Tourist Zone. Marxism could not even build a decent resort; it had to ask Capitalists to provide both the know-how and the money to do it. It is the sole success of 44 years of rule by the most inept leader of any country in the world today, AND IT WAS ACHIEVED BY CAPITALISM, NOT MARXISM!

The simple truth is that not one dictator in power today has achieved anything worthwhile, except to build monuments to himself. The simple truth is that Marxism has resulted in more than 100 million deaths and has not a single gainful accomplishment to its name, except if you count tyranny and murder (which Liberals seem to tolerate).

Now, it is time to squash the Cockroach,, Fidel Castro, fini por la Maxima Cuchracha!


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