Sen. Joe Liberman spoke on TV today, and he sent us all a very important message: Support the President and the military in Iraq, and let them know we are behind them 100%. Now, he is an American I can admire, no matter what his political affiliation.
On one news type program they showed the Iraqi people digging up another mass grave that held 3,000 bodies, including women and children, all shot to death by Saddam's killers.
It was gruesome, but these people carried those skeletal remains, with bits of cloth clinging to the bodies, in a loving tender manner, searching for their family members who disappeared into one of Hussein's prisons, never to emerge. The skulls all had bullet holes in them, some still had cloth blindfolds over the eyes.
What horrors those people lived under! Do I doubt any charges made against that murderous tyrant? Hell, no. (Damn, we've got another tyrant, fully as guilty of murder as Hussein, 90 miles off our shores.)
Yes, we have lost men and are still losing them in this action in the Persian Gulf, but damn it, there was a job to do and no one else was willing or capable of doing it. My prayers tonight will not bring a single solder back from the dead, but I hope that at least one of them reads my words here so that he or she knows that I and my family stand behind them 100%.
The Liberal writer's at the New York Times can go to hell, the whole phony lot of those bastards. WE support our men when they are overseas, believe me, as do most Americans.
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