Sunday, September 07, 2003

Now, this Blog about floored me today, (I found this reference on: Annika's Journal & Poetry) by a teen-ager who wrote a statement to the effect that not all teen-agers were lazy TV couch-potatoes, that he did a lot of cogitating about various things (naming them as homophobia [no such word], environmental issues, etc.), and that he also knew about the pitfalls of capitalism. Gadzooks, Sandy, did you hear that? The evils, real evils of Capitalism!

Yep, certainly must be a real Californeeee-a eddy-cation, eh. Perhaps he's around Berkeley somewhere, or in San Francisco, or could it be Santa Monica?

Go to Google and search for: Annika's Journal and Poetry for more. She's not shy about language though.

Now if this teensy-weenie budding socialist wants to learn quickly about the difference between socialism and capitalism, all he has to do is to go to Miami. There are plenty of people there who will gladly fill him in. Hey, go to the International Zone in Cuba and see what "capitalism hath wrougt." Then go to any small town in Cuba (by private car, of course, because public transportation is almost non-existant except for riding in the bed of a dump-truck) and see how they live. Visit the apartments of the ordinary people and see the paint peeling off the walls, the 50 to 100 year old plumbing, the state of disrepair everywhere, the lack of ordinary things anywhere.

Oh yes, these U.S. grown socialists visit there, leave quickly to get back home, and then tell us lies about how good it is there. What's good? Schools. Yep, with military discipline, the kids go to school to learn and heaven help the class clown. Free medical care. Certainly, free lousy medical care except for socialists from abroad who are sent to Havana's finest hospitals, those usually reserved for Fidel, his family, and his cronies.

Where do they earn the best money, why in the capitalist zone. Where do they see modern plumbing? Why in the capitalst zone. Where do they see nice clothese? Why in the capitalist zone.

Can you imagine this little crapper, living in the best country with the most conveniences, in the world and he knows all about the evils of capitalism. Oh, how I wish he could have talked to those people I personally knew who fled communist Hungary, Czechoslavakia, Germany, Roumania, and Poland. These California-raised socialists don't know a damn thing about life, about the real world, about the executions under socialism, a dream world, a Utopia that never has and never will exist. Yes, I spoke with a survivor of the Russian Gulag in Murmansk, Russia, back in December of 1944, and I have never forgotten it. I saw how they lived, and I also read the lies and distortions about life in America in books published in Moscow.

This little crapper says that "much like Whitney Houston, I believe that children are the future." Jeeezzz, what wisdom. Although the way he thinks, they can well be the past. With thinking like that, this country won't have any future, believe me. As if anything inspirational has come out of the mouths of the Babes in Hollywood either in recent months. You'd think when they tented the houses in Beverly Hills, they'd have gotten rid of all the cockroaches, but it's quite obvious that they haven't.


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