Saturday, September 06, 2003

Do you wish to commit the optimized values to your system? How's that for speaking in plain English to us elderly computer owners? Sheeeesshhh. That's from PC Booster. CEO, take note.

Then there's a modem booster. Tell me, why do I need one or the other? Why doesn't my Windows ME already cover these issues? Remember, if any Geeks read this, I speak English. I am not an engineer. YOU have sold me a computer and I want to use it, and in order to understand what is going on, you have to speak my language.

If I head for Greece, I'll learn some words in Greek, not the ancient Mayan language. Understand? You sit in those offices in your Levi's and Adidas, perhaps step outside to smoke a bit of hash, and then start writing copy for ME! Sure, a lot of trained people do understand, but I still say that the majority do not. If you enter my home, speak my language.


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