Thursday, July 24, 2003


Saddam's two anamalistic sons, Uday and Qusay, are dead! Like the old western tintypes of dead outlaws that were circulated around the country a century and more ago, we've now seen their bullet-riddled bodies on TV, and so has the rest of the world, especially the Germans and French.

Gruesome, yes. But, so what? of course we'll have those bleeding hearts all around the world crying that we should be so cruel as to display these pictures, but in the 1800s they photographed the bodies of outlaws in order to prove to everyone that they were dead, and essentially, this is the same reason these images have been flashed on TV world-wide.

We're saying, "They're DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. FINI." They've been stopped from torturing, raping and killing Iraqi people. That regime was responsible for more than 400,000 Iraqi deaths, plus all those people killed in the war with Iran, the Kurds, the Shiites, and Kuwait. These two monsters were an active part of that murderous regime and they would have inherited the mantle of power from their father, Saddam Hussein one day.

The cry-babies who say we should have captured them haven't looked at the facts; we did try to capture them and they wounded four of our soldiers and then fled into the upper floors which were built like a fortress and almost siege-proof. Screw them. They wanted a fight, and they got a fight. We stood safely off and blew them full of holes.

Some of these same people who think this was gruesome are the ones who make movies with all kinds of torture, depravity, blood and guts, or the ones who pay their good money to go to the movies and revel in such crap. Bloody-liberals who love to watch scenes in which the killing is enough to chill your blood, but who have some odd, twisted reasoning that lets them admire such men as these, monsters such as Saddam and his two killer sons will disagree with what's been done. These are the people who don't wish to impose the death penalty on such killers.

Me? I'd rather avoid such movies and instead revel in the deaths of Uday and Qusay. In fact, I might even like to see them tie a rope around their ankles and drag them behind a Humvee up the main boulevard of Baghdad, stopping every block to let people photograph the scene. In the Mid-east, this is normal for many people and it delivers a strong message to the snipers and those who ambush our troops. Now that's when gruesome really appeals to me, when the people who kill and torture get their just dues!


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