Thursday, July 17, 2003


At times when I read Arianna's column, I picture another frustrated President-elect Hillary, shrill, strident, demanding, damn the torpedos, I was Michael's backbone and don't you forget it, type of woman. Wasn't it Ulysses who encountered those Greek harpies on one of his voyages?

Hey, if Michael had ever come out on issues as strongly as Huff & Puff Arianna, he'd be a power in Republican politics today, whether he had been elected Senator or not. She thinks she's an expert on literally everything and everyone, and there's certainly no one in the present administration nor a single thing they do that meets with Arianna's approval.

I think Michael Huffington would have made a good Senator for California, but it seems to me that dinner at home after a Senate session would have been plain Hell. Huff and Puff would have every newborn covered and pampered in every way until they're 21, which sounds more like Greek Socialism moving into Washington.


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