Thursday, February 26, 2004

The greatest political assassin in the country today is Garry Trudeau, the creator of Doonesbury, but instead of being classified as an Editorial Cartoonist, he is placed on the Comic Pages. In fact, the L.A.Times comic pages have become almost totally politicized, definitly Liberal in Slant, as just about everything else about the Times has been Liberalized. If it is not Liberal in content, they'll fill the spot with something that doesn't say much about anything, except as a space filler.

Trudeau has been given carte blanche to set the tone for the Comic Pages, and to use his particular brand of satire to consistently question the intelligence of elected officials, to pander to the youngsters especially, to undermine what they might be taught at home, both in personal values as well as political viewpoints.

The Editorial Staff members who select the cartoonists for the Times obviously search long and hard to find those who have just the right? no, left slant to go along with their drawings. None is more indicative of the position of the Times editors than Garry Trudeau.



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