Again, a Blog has disappeared. It was written, the html code correct, posted and published, but this morning it is not there (or here).
It was about the timing, that with the capture of Hussein, the World's attention is focused upon evil dictators, and the crescendo (which I had misspelled in earlier posts and checked in the dictionary last night) is rising for their dethroning, for them to be brought to justice and punished for their crimes against humanity. La Grande Cucaracha is long, long overdue for being brought before a Tribunal and to face his accusers.
Cubans must begin taking the risk of giant parades, strikes, and do everything they can to bring Cuba to a complete stop. The Tourist Zone must be clogged with protestors and visitors asked to join them. Castro will not dare to throw foreigners in jail; this will be an opportunity for outsides to help them overthrow La Maxima Cucaracha!
To await his peaceful passing is inane. He's in league with the Devil, and he may just outlive many to his main detractors.
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