Once the United States loses credibility, and there is nothing more certain to cause it than to abandon the Iraqi people, we will have lost the respect of those who would stand with us, and defeat will be staring us in the face from enemies world-wide.
Sure, let the Evil Ones come to power again! They're there, they're everywhere in the mid-east, lurking in the dark, hiding, all the while planning new attacks like those that have been indiscriminately killing and maiming thousands of men, women and children, attempting to enforce some wierd code of conduct that deprives the human spirt of any hope, of any chance at FREEDOM, of self-determination, of the ability to think and act for themselves.
Does anyone think for a moment that they're going to go away by themselves? The only answer is that they have to be killed off, either singly or in groups, because when they're dead they cannot continue the slaughter! The head must be severed from the body, the central organizations of these terrorists destroyed, and until that is done there is no leaving Iraq, both for reasons of our own safety and the very lives and future of the Iraqi people and their country.
If we abandon Iraq and Afghanistan now, this will trumpet to the world that the United States is divided and simply does not have the courage to fight a war, does not have the steadfastness to face the enemy until they are defeated, and this will encourage the forces of evil, the terrorists, to stike here again and again until it is we who hoist the White Flag of Surrender. The Trade Towers will be nothing compared to what will happen in this country if we listen to these strident voices of these harpies of surrender and defeat!
Because of us, the common people had found new hope in Iraq, and slowly they were beginning to accept the fact that there is a chance for them to be a part of the world's democracies, that they can throw off the yoke of tryanny forever and participate in free elections, be free citizens of the world, determine what their own future is going to be. Yet the Liberals here and abroad are beginning to dash that hope; the Liberals don't have the steel in their backbone that it takes to fight and win a war with an enemy that knows no bounds to indeceny, that respects neither life nor property nor any international rules of warfare, and that would enslave every man, woman and child in this country, as well as in the mid-east, in oder to enforce their own agenda upon them or put them to death.
We've freed 26 million Iraqis from tyranny, freed them from the inhumane treatment and terrors of Saddam Hussein and his henchmen, from control by the Baathist party. Most of them lived in constant fear of Saddam's regime, kept their heads down so as to stay under the radar of his relentless secret police and avoid imprisonment, torture and death. They had given up hope of overthrowing the dictator and his party after the revolt had failed in 1991, a revolt that they thought would be sanctioned and aided by the United Nations and bring about government reforms.
His sons could kidnap young women off the street, abuse them for a few days, then throw their broken bodies on the garbage heap, and they did just that! Here, if a single woman vanishes for a day or two, Fox News trumpets about that missing woman day after day, while there in Iraq it was commonplace and no one ever investigated because Saddam's control of the press was assurance that it never would be. Government criminality was worse than any other type in the country, but that's the way Saddam wanted it.
There were more than 300,000 Iraqis killed and buried in the desert for either belonging to the wrong party or dissenting, and now we talk about abandoning those 26 million before the job is done? That's insance. Now we would tuck our tail between our legs and leave them at the mercy of the terrorist brigades, until one group proves strong enough to take power and once again, all hope of Iraqi freedom is dashed, is destroyed, and the brain-numbing tyranny takes control over the country once again. Moorons, who try to destroy our determination, moorons, who would make this country into a knee-jerk nation of wimps and pussycats, who are willing to flee at the slightest sign of opposition, who have not the conscience nor moral fiber to see that the job over there is done and done right.
Iraq is not strong enough yet to resist the terrorists, not strong enough to enforce their new Constitution, to fight the slimy creatures who enter Iraq from Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia in order to destroy this fledging democratic nation, to defeat the ideas that come from abroad, like voting, like equal rights for women, like freedom of the press, like freedom of speech, like simply being FREE.
The little people in all sections of Iraq, just like the families in this country, wish to live in peace. Our Military forces are doing a great job in the mid-east trying to help them, but not according to our Liberal press all around the U.S., staffed by these unrepentent moorons who distort the news we read to advance their own purposes. The Americans are fighting to help government there. The ordinary citizens in Iraq know and understand it, but they did not dare to come forth before, but a new pride for their country is developing and they're stepping forward to learn to take over for themselves. They did not earlier, because any sign of cooperation with the coilition forces could mean death for them and their families. As the nation stabilizes, they show more and more support for our troops, and as it stabilizes they are learning that we are not an occupying force because they see our men risk their lives rebuilding schools and playgrounds and the infrastructure of the country, and treating them with respect.
Did you see the picture of that absolutely gorgeous young woman in Jordan, her arms around her husbands neck, just married, and then...the bomb goes off and kills both their fathers, as well as dozens of others? Did you see it? I'll never forget it. I'll find a copy and publish it, copyright be damned. I could cry for her and her loved ones. I've been to affairs like that, filled with these wonderful people from the Middle-east, not the Terrorists, the criminals, the murderers, but the lovely ordinary family people that reach from one end of the Middle-east to the other, people who just want to live in peace and raise their children to be upright men and women.
Damn it, wake up America! Stand up to tyranny wherever it is, because...if you don't, there is nothing sacred to these clerics but their own iterpretations of a religion that can be vindictive and vicious. Stand firm or the terror will return here as it has done in England, France and Spain, Lebanon and now Jordan. Any sign of weakness will encourage them to think that they are winning. It will give them renewed strength, greater energy, and they will continue to enlist the young fanatics into doing more suicide bombings around the world. Stand firm now, America, or take a chance of losing either your life or your freedom!
Moorons? Yes, those in the United States Congress who will abandon a nation on the threshhold of freedom are nothing less than that, and we will pay the price if they succeed, a great price. The Trade Towers will be child's play. The only compromise that ever works with a terrorist is a bullet right between the eyes. America's soldiers have paid a dear price, but they have given us peace at home, and have almost, almost given the gift of democracy to Iraq and Afhanistan.
We've also freed 39 million people in Afghanistan from the tyranny of the Taliban, from the zealots would would enforce the ancient codes from a thousand years ago upon them, require women to forgoe education and professions, to wear ridiculous clothing, to enclose themselves within the walls of their homes, that would proscribe stonings, lashes for those who would even expose an ankle or a young man who would walk along and speak with a young woman, jailings, beatings, fear of listening to music or other viewpoints, to bring down the democratic institutions that are slowly gaining ground, to undo both the gains they have made and the sacrifices that our nation has made to bring about change and peace to the region.
Kick the criminal bastards out of the U.N., like Castro and Chavez, those pimps of a socialist system which steals from the rich, but not only that, steals from the poor as well, because they sell a hope of something better that never, never comes. We've given hope to millions in Iraq and Afghanistan, now let's not abandon them, as we did those brave souls at the Bay of Pigs. Yes, it was the Bay of Pigs, because the pigs won. America abandoned those Cubans there, and we are paying a heavy price for it, our worst military mistake in 200 years, as Castro takes over the nation rich in oil and exploits it to his own thieving schemes.
That's the spirit of America that I well remember, the spirit that I cherish, and that sixteen million of us had during WWII.
Read the November 21 issue of the New Yorker and learn what happens, as it describes what is going on in Iran now. One young man sentenced to 99 lashes for walking down the street with a young woman, innocent enough, eh? But not to the Enforcers of the strict Muslim codes. Any person at any time can be arrested for a violation of a law that did not exist an hour ago.